"You will never taste anything like it"- Michael

VOLBEAT are delighted to announce Volbeat Rum III – a hand-selected, premium blend sourced in The Dominican Republic, Guyana, Jamaica, Barbados, Guatemala, and Trinidad.  Dark, complex and aged up to 15 years, it exhibits flavour notes of exotic dried fruits, caramel and wood. The 43% alcohol by vol. libation is bottled in the Netherlands for Conquer Spirits/AMKA.

Available in Europe & the United Kingdom for now.

While Volbeat Rum I and II were limited batches that mostly graced specialty stores and went on to become collectors items amongst rum connoisseurs, Volbeat Rum III has been blended and produced with the goal of making it widely available and reasonably affordable. 

Volbeat Rum III is a "uni-rum" - a universal rum for everyone, from distinguished rum connoisseurs to a more casual imbiber, and it hopes to make rum fans out of those who were not previously. Full stockist info will be announced in due course. For more information, please click here.

Just like one VOLBEAT song can turn a casual listener into a fan, one sip has the same effect when it comes to Volbeat Rum III!